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Custom Filters

In Python Liquid, a filters are implemented as a Python functions or callable classes that accept at least one argument, the left hand side of a filtered expression. The callable's return value will be output, assigned or piped to more filters.


All built-in filters are implemented in this way, so have a look in liquid/builtin/filters/ for examples.

Add a Filter

Add a custom template filter to an Environment by calling its add_filter() method. Here's a simple example of adding Python's str.endswith as a filter function.

from liquid import Environment, FileSystemLoader

env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader("templates/"))
env.add_filter("endswith", str.endswith)

In a template, you'd use it like this.

{% assign foo = "foobar" | endswith: "bar" %}
{% if foo %}
<!-- do something -->
{% endif %}

With Context

Decorate filter functions with with_context to have the active render context passed as a keyword argument. Notice that we can use the context object to resolve variables that have not been passed as filter arguments.
from liquid.filter import with_context
from liquid.filter import string_filter

def link_to_tag(label, tag, *, context):
handle = context.resolve("handle", default="")
return (
f'<a title="Show tag {tag}" href="/collections/{handle}/{tag}">{label}</a>'

And register it wherever you create your environment.

from liquid import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from myfilters import link_to_tag

env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader("templates/"))
env.add_filter("link_to_tag", link_to_tag)

In a template, you could then use the link_to_tag filter like this.

{% if tags %}
<dl class="navbar">
{% for tag in collection.tags %}
<dd>{{ tag | link_to_tag: tag }}</dd>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

With Environment

Decorate filter functions with with_environment to have the active Environment passed as a keyword argument. For example, the built-in strip_newlines filter changes its return value depending on parameters set on the environment.

def strip_newlines(val: str, *, environment: Environment) -> str:
"""Return the given string with all newline characters removed."""
if environment.autoescape:
val = markupsafe_escape(val)
return Markup(RE_LINETERM.sub("", val))
return RE_LINETERM.sub("", val)

Replace a Filter

If given the name of an existing filter function, Environment.add_filter() will replace it without warning. For example, suppose you wish to replace the slice filter for one which uses start and stop values instead of start and length, and is a bit more forgiving in terms of allowed inputs.
def myslice(val, start, stop = None):
start = int(start)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as err:
raise FilterArgumentError(
f"slice expected an integer start, found {type(start).__name__}"
) from err

if stop is None:
return val[start]

stop = int(stop)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as err:
raise FilterArgumentError(
f"slice expected an integer stop, found {type(stop).__name__}"
) from err

if isinstance(val, str):
return val[start:stop]

# `val` could be any sequence.
return list(val[start:stop])
from liquid import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from myfilters import myslice

env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader("templates/"))
env.add_filter("slice", myslice)

Remove a Filter

Remove a built-in filter by deleting it from Environment.filters. It's a regular dictionary mapping filter names to filter functions.

from liquid import Environment, FileSystemLoader

env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader("templates/"))
del env.filters["base64_decode"]

Class-Based Filters

If your custom filter takes initialization arguments or needs to retain state between calls (probably not a good idea), a class-based implementation might be appropriate. Simply implement a __call__ method, and Python Liquid will use it when applying the filter.

For example, here's the implementation of a json filter, that dumps the input object to a JSON formatted string.

import json
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Optional

from liquid.filter import int_arg
from liquid.filter import liquid_filter

class JSON:
def __init__(self, default: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None):
self.default = default

def __call__(
obj: object,
indent: Optional[object] = None,
) -> str:
indent = int_arg(indent) if indent else None
return json.dumps(obj, default=self.default, indent=indent)

Async Filters

Since version 1.9.0, class-based filters can also implement a filter_async method, which should be a coroutine. When applied in an async context, if a filter implements filter_async, it will be awaited instead of calling __call__.

Filter Function Decorators

Although not required, built-in filter functions tend to use decorators for performing common argument manipulation and error handling. None of these decorators take any arguments, and they can all be found in liquid.filters.


A filter function decorator that catches any TypeErrors raised from the wrapped function. If a TypeError is raised, it is re-raised as a liquid.exceptions.FilterArgumentError.


A filter function decorator that raises a liquid.exceptions.FilterValueError if the filter value can not be coerced into an array-like object. Also catches any TypeErrors raised from the wrapped function. If a TypeError is raised, it is re-raised as a liquid.exceptions.FilterArgumentError.

This is intended to mimic the semantics of the reference implementation's InputIterator class.


A filter function decorator that raises a liquid.exceptions.FilterValueError if the filter value is not array-like. Also catches any TypeErrors raised from the wrapped function. If a TypeError is raised, it is re-raised as a liquid.exceptions.FilterArgumentError.


A filter function decorator that converts the first positional argument to a string and catches any TypeErrors raised from the wrapped function. If a TypeError is raised, it is re-raised as a liquid.exceptions.FilterArgumentError.


A filter function decorator that raises a liquid.excpetions.FilterArgumentError if the filter value is not, or can not be converted to, a number. Also catches any TypeErrors raised from the wrapped function. If a TypeError is raised, it is re-raised as a liquid.exceptions.FilterArgumentError.

Raising Exceptions From Filter Functions

In general, when raising exceptions from filter functions, those exceptions should be a subclass of liquid.exceptions.FilterError.