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Introduction to Liquid

Liquid is a template language, where source text (the template) contains placeholders for variables, conditional expressions for including or excluding blocks of text, and loops for repeating blocks of text. Any block can contain more variables, conditions and loops.

Output text is the result of rendering a template given some data model. It is that data model that provides the variables and objects referenced in a template's expressions.

Liquid is distinct from most other template languages in that it is designed for end users, who may or may not be developers, and are untrusted. As such, when compared to other template engines, Liquid has a deliberately simple and restrictive syntax and feature set.

Liquid is most commonly used with HTML, but can be used with any text-based content. Consider this template.

{% assign greeting = "Hello" %}
{% for person in people %}
{{ greeting }}, {{ | capitalize }}!
{% endfor %}


{{ | capitalize }} and {{ greeting }} are output statements. Expressions inside double curly braces are evaluated and the result is inserted into the output text at that location. These expressions can be simple variables, elements from Liquid arrays (Python lists or tuples) or objects (Python dicts or classes) with properties.

capitalize is a filter, which is applied to the value at prior to output.


Tags allow us to include logic, like loops and conditions, in our Liquid templates. A tag can be an inline tag or a block tag, and can add to rendered output text or not.

{% for person in people %} is the start of a block tag. Enclosed by {% and %} by default. Where for is the name of the tag and person in people is the tag's expression. The for tag behaves like a for-each loop, rendering its block once for each item in an iterable object. Every block tag must have a matching end tag, which, by convention, follows the pattern {% end<tag name> %}.

{% assign greeting = "Hello" %} is an inline tag. Inline tags don't have a block or an associated end tag. See the tag reference for details of all tags built-in to Liquid.

Template Literals

, and !\n are template literals. That's anything not inside {% and %} or {{ and }}. With the exception of whitespace control, template literals are output unchanged.


Variables can be modified prior to output or assignment using filters. Filters are applied to a variable using the pipe symbol (|), followed by the filter's name and, possibly, some filter arguments. Filter arguments appear after a colon (:) and are separated by commas (,).

Multiple filters can be chained, effectively piping the output of one filter into the input of another. Here we use the sort and first filters to get the cheapest item in a collection of products.

{% assign cheapest = collection.products | sort: "price" | first %}

See the filter reference for details of all filters built-in to Liquid.



Being a Ruby project, the reference implementation of Liquid borrows terms and types found in Ruby. Like "array" and "hash". Python equivalents would be "list" and "dictionary", or anything that implements the Sequence or Mapping interfaces, respectively.

Liquid is dynamically typed. New variables are declared, initialized and reassigned with the {% assign %} and {% capture %} tags. Assignment expressions can reference existing variables and include literal strings, integers, floats and Booleans.

{% assign title = collection.products.first.title %}
{% assign user = session.user %}

{% assign greeting = "Hello, user" %}
{% if user %}
{% assign greeting = "Hello," | append: %}
{% endif %}

Most built-in filters will coerce string representations of numbers to an integer or float as needed. And filters expecting a string value or argument will usually stringify them automatically. Although this behavior is not always consistent.


Liquid supports literal strings ("hello" or 'hello'), integers (1, -35), floats (0.42, -99) and booleans (true and false).

{% assign first_name = "Sally" %}
{% assign last_name = 'Smith' %}
{% assign items_in_basket = 5 %}
{% assign average_item_price = 3.99 %}
{% assign discount = -0.47 %}
{% assign special_offer = false %}
{% assign more_available = true %}

Arrays and Hashes

There is no literal syntax for creating arrays or hashes, although these types (or their Python equivalents) can be added to a template's render context, and many tags and filters are designed to work with them.

One common idiom in Liquid is to create an array of strings using the split filter.

{% assign my_array = "apple, banana, cabbage" | split: ", " %}


A range literal is a start and stop integer, separated by two periods (..), and enclosed in parentheses. The resulting range is inclusive of its stop value. Ranges can be iterated and many of the built-in filters that accept an array will also work with a range.

{% assign foo = (1..5) %}
{{ foo | join: ',' }}

{% for i in (3..6) %}
{{ i | plus: forloop.index }}
{% endfor %}


The reserved word nil is used to represent the absence of a value. In Python Liquid, nil is equal to None.

Whitespace Control

Optionally include a leading and/or trailing hyphen inside any output statement or tag. When present, Liquid will strip all whitespace from the preceding and/or trailing template literal.

without whitespace control
{% assign some_variable = false %}
{% if some_variable != true %}
Lets go!
{% endif %}

Lets go!

with whitespace control
{% assign some_variable = false %}
{%- if some_variable != true -%}
Lets go!
{%- endif -%}
Lets go!