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Extra Tags and Filters

New in version 1.5.0

Extra tags and filters are those that are not "standard", require zero additional dependencies, and are commonly useful in scenarios that don't require strict compatibility with Ruby Liquid. Since Python Liquid version 1.5.0, extra tags and filters are importable from the liquid.extra package.


Prior to Python Liquid version 1.5.0, some extra tags and filters were maintained in the Liquid Extra repository. Wherever possible, you should use extra tags and filters included in Python Liquid over those found in Liquid Extra.

Python Liquid Extra will be maintained with bug fixes, but no new features, and is expected to work with Python Liquid up to, but not including, version 2.0.0 (unreleased).

Unlike standard tags and filters, which are registered for you automatically, non-standard tags and filters must be explicitly registered with an Environment, just like you would with custom tags or filters.

Add All Extras

To add all extra tags and filters to a Liquid environment, with their default options, you can use the convenience function liquid.extra.add_tags_and_filters().

from liquid import Environment
from liquid.extra import add_tags_and_filters

env = Environment()

template = env.from_string("""\
{% with greeting: "Hello" -%}
{% for person in people -%}
{% assign name = person.handle if person.has_handle else person.first_name | capitalize -%}
{% if not person.leaving %}
{{ greeting }}, {{ name }}
{% else %}
Goodbye, {{ name }}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% endwith -%}

people = [
"handle": "",
"has_handle": False,
"first_name": "sue",
"leaving": False,
"handle": "MyNameIsJohn",
"has_handle": True,
"first_name": "John",
"leaving": True,

Hello, Sue

Goodbye, MyNameIsJohn

Adding Extra Filters

Filters can be implemented as simple functions, classes with a __call__ method, or closures that returns a callable object. The latter two approaches are useful if a filter is configurable, in which case it will need to be instantiated or called before registering it with an Environment.

For example, the index filter is a simple function, so we just pass the function object to Environment.add_filter().

from liquid import Environment
from liquid.extra import filters

env = Environment()
env.add_filter("index", filters.index)

template = env.from_string("""\
{{ shapes | index: 'square' }}
{% assign colors = "red, blue, green" | split: ", " -%}
{{ colors | index: 'blue' }}

print(template.render(shapes=["square", "circle", "triangle"]))

Whereas the json filter is a class that can be configured with a default function, so it must be instantiated.

from liquid import Environment
from liquid.extra.filters import JSON

env = Environment()
env.add_filter("json", JSON())

template = env.from_string("{{ data | json }}")

some_data = {
"foo": [1,2,3],
"bar": "Hello!"

'{"foo": [1, 2, 3], "bar": "Hello!"}'

Refer to the extra filter reference for examples of registering each filter and their available options.

Adding Extra Tags

All tags are implemented as a class inheriting from liquid.tag.Tag. Environment.add_tag() always takes a Tag object, not an instance of it.

For example, the if (not) tag - which adds a logical not operator and grouping with parentheses - would be registered as follows.

from liquid import Environment
from liquid.extra.tags import IfNotTag

env = Environment()

template = env.from_string("""\
{% if not product.available %}
This product is not available.
{% endif %}

print(template.render(product={"available": False}))
   This product is not available.

Some tags can be configured by subclassing them and setting class variables or overriding methods.