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A render context, containing namespaces for template variables and a references to the bound environment.

You probably don't want to instantiate a context directly. A new one is created automatically every time a template is rendered. If you're writing custom tags, consider copying or extending an existing context.


class Context(env, [options])


  • env: liquid.Environment - The Environment associated with this context.

  • globals: Optional[Mapping[str, object]] - Template global variables.

  • disabled_tags: Optional[List[str]] - A list of tags names that are disallowed in this context. For example, partial templates rendered using the "render" tag are not allowed to use "include" tags.

  • copy_depth: int = 0 - The number times a context was copied to create this one.



Type: liquid.Environment

The Environment associated with this context.


Type: Dict[str, Any]

A namespace for template local variables. Those that are bound with assign or capture.


Type: Mapping[str, object]

A read-only namespace containing globally available variables. Usually passed down from the environment.


Type: Dict[str, int]

A namespace for increment and decrement counters.


Type: ReadOnlyChainMap

Namespaces are searched using this chain map. When a context is extended, the temporary namespace is pushed to the front of this chain.


Type: List[object]

As stack of forloop objects. Used for populating forloop.parentloop.


Type: List[str]

A list of tags names that are disallowed in this context. For example, partial templates rendered using the "render" tag are not allowed to use "include" tags.


Type: bool

Indicates if HTML auto-escaping is enabled.



assign(key: str, val: Any) -> None

Add val to the local namespace with key key.


get(path: Union[str, Sequence[Union[str, int]]], default: object = _undefined) -> object:

Return the value at path path if it is in scope, else default.


async get_async(key: str, val: Any) -> None

An async version of get().


resolve(name: str, default: object = _undefined) -> Any

Return the object at name in the current scope. This is like get(), but does a single, top-level lookup rather than a chained lookup from a sequence of keys.`


filter(name: str) -> Callable[..., object]

Return the filter function with given name.

Raises: NoSuchFilterFunc if a filter with the given name does not exist.


get_size_of_locals(self) -> int

Return the "size" or a "score" for the current local namespace.

This is used by the optional local namespace resource limit. Override get_size_of_locals to customize how the limit is calculated. Be sure to consider self.local_namespace_size_carry when writing a custom implementation of get_size_of_locals.

The default implementation uses sys.getsizeof() on each of the local namespace's values. It is not a reliable measure of size in bytes.


get_template(name: str) -> BoundTemplate

Load a template from the environment.


async get_template_async(name: str) -> BoundTemplate

Load a template from the environment asynchronously.


extend(namespace: Mapping[str, object]) -> Iterator[Context]

A context manager that extends this context with the given read-only namespace.

Raises: ContextDepthError if the context has been extended too many times.


copy( self, namespace: Dict[str, object], disabled_tags: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Context:

Return a copy of this context without any local variables or other state for stateful tags.

Raises: ContextDepthError if the context has been copied too many times.


error(exc: Error) -> None:

Ignore, raise or convert the given exception to a warning, according to the current tolerance mode.