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A factory function. Create a liquid.template.BoundTemplate, automatically creating a liquid.Environment to bind it to.


Template(source, [options]) -> liquid.template.BoundTemplate


  • source: str - The liquid template source code.

  • tag_start_string: str - The sequence of characters indicating the start of a liquid tag. Defaults to {%.

  • tag_end_string: str - The sequence of characters indicating the end of a liquid tag. Defaults to %}.

  • statement_start_string: str - The sequence of characters indicating the start of an output statement. Defaults to {{.

  • statement_end_string: str - The sequence of characters indicating the end of an output statement. Defaults to }}.

  • comment_start_string: str - The sequence of characters indicating the start of a comment. Defaults to {#. template_comments must be True for comment_start_string to have any effect.

  • comment_end_string: str - The sequence of characters indicating the end of a comment. Defaults to #}. template_comments must be True for comment_end_string to have any effect.

  • template_comments: bool - If True, enable template comments. Where, by default, anything between {# and #} is considered a comment. Defaults to False.

  • tolerance: Mode - Indicates how tolerant to be of errors. Must be one of Mode.LAX, Mode.WARN or Mode.STRICT. Defaults to Mode.STRICT.

  • undefined: liquid.Undefined - A subclass of Undefined that represents undefined values. Could be one of the built-in undefined types, Undefined, DebugUndefined or StrictUndefined. Defaults to Undefined, an undefined type that silently ignores undefined values.

  • strict_filters: bool - If True, will raise an exception upon finding an undefined filter. Otherwise undefined filters are silently ignored. Defaults to True.

  • autoescape: bool - If True, all context values will be HTML-escaped before output unless they've been explicitly marked as "safe". Requires the package Markupsafe. Defaults to False.

  • auto_reload: bool - If True, loaders that have an uptodate callable will reload template source data automatically. For deployments where template sources don't change between service reloads, setting auto_reload to False can yield an increase in performance by avoiding calls to uptodate. Defaults to True.

  • cache_size: int - The capacity of the template cache in number of templates. Defaults to 300. If cache_size is None or less than 1, it has the effect of setting auto_reload to False.

  • expression_cache_size: int - The capacity of each of the common expression caches. Defaults to 0, disabling expression caching.

  • globals: Optional[Mapping[str, object]] - An optional mapping that will be added to the context every time the resulting BoundTemplate is rendered. Defaults to None.

Return type: liquid.template.BoundTemplate