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New in version 1.12.0

A file system template loader factory returning one of CachingFileSystemLoader, FileExtensionLoader or FileSystemLoader depending in the given arguments.

search_path: Union[
str, Path, Iterable[Union[str, Path]]
encoding: str = "utf-8",
ext: str = ".liquid",
auto_reload: bool = True,
namespace_key: str = "",
cache_size: int = 300
) -> BaseLoader

A CachingFileSystemLoader is returned if cache_size is greater than 0. Otherwise a FileExtensionLoader is returned if ext is not empty. If ext is empty, a FileSystemLoader is returned.

auto_reload and namespace_key are ignored if cache_key is less than 1.


  • search_path: Union[str, Path, Iterable[Union[str, Path]]] - One or more paths to search.

  • encoding: str = "utf-8" - Open template files with the given encoding. Defaults to "utf-8".

  • ext: str = ".liquid" - A default file extension. Should include a leading period. Defaults to .liquid.

  • auto_reload: bool = True - If True, automatically reload a cached template if it has been updated.

  • namespace_key: str = "" - The name of a global render context variable or loader keyword argument that resolves to the current loader "namespace" or "scope".

    If you're developing a multi-user application, a good namespace might be uid, where uid is a unique identifier for a user and templates are arranged in folders named for each uid inside the search path.

  • cache_size: int: 300 - The maximum number of templates to hold in the cache before removing the least recently used template.