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Tag Analysis

New in version 1.7.0

Use Environment.analyze_tags(), Environment.analyze_tags_async() or Environment.analyze_tags_from_string() to analyze template source text and report tag usage and issues.

Unlike static template analysis, which also includes tag usage, tag analysis operates on tokens generated from template source text, before creating an abstract syntax tree. This give us the opportunity to find unknown, unexpected and unbalanced tags that might cause the parser to raise an exception or skip template blocks.


Because this form of tag analysis happens before a template is fully parsed, it will never attempt to load and analyze partial templates from {% include %} or {% render %} tags. Nor is it able to count template variables and filters, like BoundTemplate.analyze() does.


The object returned from analyze_tags() is an instance of TagAnalysis. Its tags property is a dictionary mapping tag names to a list of (template_name, line_number) tuples, one tuple for each occurrence of the tag. TagAnalysis.tags includes unknown tags, but excludes "end" and inner tags (else and break in this example).

from liquid import Environment

env = Environment()

tag_analysis = env.analyze_tags_from_string(
{% for foo in bar %}
{% if foo %}
{{ foo | upcase }}
{% else %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

# {'for': [('<string>', 1)], 'if': [('<string>', 2)]}

All Tags

The all_tags property of TagAnalysis is a mapping of tag names to their locations, including "end" tags and inner tags.

from pprint import pprint
from liquid import Environment

env = Environment()

tag_analysis = env.analyze_tags_from_string(
{% for foo in bar %}
{% if foo %}
{{ foo | upcase }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

# {'endfor': [('<string>', 5)],
# 'endif': [('<string>', 4)],
# 'for': [('<string>', 1)],
# 'if': [('<string>', 2)]}

Unclosed Tags

The unclosed_tags property of TagAnalysis includes the names and locations of block tags that do not have a matching "end" tag.

from liquid import Environment

env = Environment()

tag_analysis = env.analyze_tags_from_string(
{% for foo in bar %}
{% if foo %}
{{ foo | upcase }}
{% endif %}

# {'for': [('<string>', 1)]}

Unexpected Tags

The unexpected_tags property of TagAnalysis includes the names and locations of inner tags that do not have an appropriate enclosing block tag. Like an {% else %} appearing outside an {% if %} or {% unless %} block, for example.


unexpected_tags does not handle the possibility of an "inner" tag appearing in a partial template (using {% include %}), where an appropriate enclosing block is in a parent template.

from liquid import Environment

env = Environment()

tag_analysis = env.analyze_tags_from_string(
{% for foo in bar %}
{{ foo }}
{% endfor %}
{% break %}

# {'break': [('<string>', 4)]}

Unknown Tags

TagAnalysis.unknown_tags contains the names and locations of tags that are not registered with the environment. If there's an unregistered block tag, only the tag starting the block will be reported. In the case of an "end" tag typo, the "end" tag will be reported as "unknown" and the start tag will be in unclosed_tags.

from liquid import Environment

env = Environment()

tag_analysis = env.analyze_tags_from_string(
{% form article %}
<h2>Leave a comment</h2>
<input type="submit" value="Post comment" id="comment-submit" />
{% endform %}

# {'form': [('<string>', 1)]}