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Loading Templates

You can load templates from a file system or database, for example, by creating an Environment and configuring a template loader. You'd also need a loader if you want to use the built-in include or render tags.

Environment.getTemplate() and Environment.getTemplateSync() accept a template name and return a Template that is bound to the environment, ready to be rendered. The configured loader is responsible for interpreting template names. In the case of a NodeFileSystemLoader, the name would be a file name, relative to the loader's search path.

This example assumes a folder called templates exists in the current working directory, and that template files index.html and some-list.html exist within it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>{{ page_title }}</title>
<h1>{{ heading }}</h1>
{% render 'some-list.html' with people %}
{% for person in people %}
<li>{{ }}</li>
{% endfor %}

By default, every Environment is created with an empty MapLoader. Specify an alternative template loader using the loader option.

import { Environment, NodeFileSystemLoader } from "liquidscript";

const env = new Environment({
loader: new NodeFileSystemLoader("./templates/", {
fileExtension: ".liquid",

const template = env.getTemplateSync("index.html");
const result = template.renderSync({
heading: "Some List",
page_title: "Awesome Title",
people: [{ name: "John" }, { name: "Sally" }],

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Awesome Title</title>
<h1>Some List</h1>

Built-In Template Loaders

LiquidScript includes some generic templates loaders, and some that are specific to Node.js or the web browser.


MapLoaderA template loader that uses a Map of string names to template source code strings.
ObjectLoaderA template loader that uses a plain object to map string names to template source code string.
ChoiceLoaderA template loader that will try each of an array of loaders until a matching template is found.


NodeFileSystemLoaderA template loader that reads templates from a file system using Node's fs module.
CachingNodeFileSystemLoaderA template loader that caches templates read from a file system.


FetchLoaderA template loader that fetches templates using the Fetch API.
XMLHttpRequestLoaderA template loader that uses XMLHttpRequest to fetch templates.