Function: truncateWords()
Return the input string truncated to the specified number of words, with
the second argument appended. The number of words (first argument) defaults
to 15
. The second argument defaults to an ellipsis (...
If the input string already has fewer than the given number of words, it is returned unchanged.
• this: FilterContext
An object containing a reference to the active render context and any keyword/named arguments.
• left: unknown
Any value. Will be coerced to a string if it's not one already.
• wordCount: unknown
= 15
Any value. If it can't be converted to a number, zero
will be used instead. Defaults to 15
• end: unknown
= "..."
Any value. Will be coerced to a string if it's not one already.
Defaults to ...
The input string truncated to the specified number of words.