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Migration guide

When compared to Python Liquid and Shopify/Liquid, Liquid2 adds features, subtly changes the syntax of Liquid templates and changes the template engine's Python API. This is not "Python Liquid version 2", but a Python implementation of "Liquid2", which is mostly backwards compatible with other implementations.

Approach to compatibility and stability

With Python Liquid, our primary objectives are render behavior stability and Shopify/Liquid compatibility, in that order. We also have liquid.future.Environment, which sacrifices some stability for greater Shopify/Liquid compatibility as Shopify/Liquid and our understanding of it changes.

Now, with Python Liquid2, render behavior stability is still the top priority, but the default environment deliberately deviates from Shopify/Liquid in several ways, "fixing" and adding often requested features that Shopify can't due to their large user base and the technical debt that comes with it.

In most cases these fixes and features are backwards compatible with Shopify/Liquid, requiring little or no modification to legacy Liquid templates. To ease transition from legacy templates to Liquid2 templates, we include a liquid2.shopify.Environment, which is configured to include some legacy tags that didn't make it in to the default environment.

Why is render stability so important?

When developing a conventional website, for example, templates are developed along side application code. Template authors and application developers might be different people or different teams, but templates are known at deployment time, and all templates can probably be parsed upfront and held in memory. In this scenario it's a pain if your template render engine introduces behavioral changes, but it's manageable.

Python Liquid2 caters for situations where templates change and grow with an application's user base. Not only can templates change after the application is deployed, but the number of templates could be huge, far more than can be expected to fit in memory all at once.

Behavioral stability is essential when application users are responsible for maintaining templates. It is impractical or unreasonable to expect authors to update their templates on demand.

Whether shopify/Liquid compatibility is important to you or not, if you're developing a multi-tenant application where users are responsible for maintaining templates, you should seriously consider building in an opt-in upgrade path for template authors to transition to updated syntax and features.

New features

More whitespace control


Along with a default_trim configuration option, tags and the output statement now support +, - and ~ for controlling whitespace in templates. By default, ~ will remove newlines but retain space and tab characters.

Here we use ~ to remove the newline after the opening for tag, but preserve indentation before <li>.

{% for x in (1..4) ~%}
  <li>{{ x }}</li>
{% endfor -%}

Array construction syntax

Filtered expressions (those found in output statements, the assign tag and the echo tag) and for tag expressions support array literal syntax. We don't use the traditional [item1, item2, ...] syntax with square brackets because square brackets are already used for variables (["some variable with spaces"] is a valid variable).

{% assign my_array = a, b, '42', false -%}
{% for item in my_array -%}
    - {{ item }}
{% endfor %}

or, using a {% liquid %} tag:

{% liquid
    for item in a, b, '42', false
        echo "- ${item}\n"
    endfor %}

With a set to "Hello" and b set to "World", both of the examples above produce the following output.

- Hello
- World
- 42
- false

String interpolation

String literals support interpolation using JavaScript-style ${ and } delimiters. Liquid template strings don't use backticks like JavaScript. Any single or double quoted string can use ${variable_name} placeholders for automatic variable substitution.

${ can be escaped with \${ to prevent variable substitution.

Liquid template strings are effectively a shorthand alternative to capture tags or chains of append filters. These two tags are equivalent.

{% capture greeting %}
Hello, {{ you | capitalize }}!
{% endcapture %}

{% assign greeting = 'Hello, ${you | capitalize}!' %}

Lambda expression as filter arguments


Many built-in filters that operate on arrays now support lambda expressions. For example, we can use the where filter to select values according to an arbitrary Boolean expression.

{% assign coding_pages = pages | where: page => page.tags contains 'coding' %}

Logical not

Logical expressions now support negation with the not operator and grouping terms with parentheses by default. Previously this was an opt-in feature.

In this example, {% if not user %} is equivalent to {% unless user %}, however, not can also be used after and and or, like {% if and not user.title %}, potentially saving nested if and unless tags.

{% if not user %}
  please log in
{% else %}
  hello user
{% endif %}

Ternary expressions

Inline conditional expression are now supported by default. Previously this was an opt-in feature. If omitted, the else branch defaults to an instance of Undefined.

{{ a if b else c }}
{{ a | upcase if b == 'foo' else c || split }}

Dedicated comment syntax

Comments surrounded by {# and #} are enabled by default. Additional #'s can be added to comment out blocks of markup that already contain comments, as long as hashes are balanced.

{## comment this out for now
{% for x in y %}
    {# x could be empty #}
    {{ x | default: TODO}}
{% endfor %}

Better string literal parsing

String literals are now allowed to contain markup delimiters ({{, }}, {%, %}, {# and #}) and support c-like escape sequence to allow for including quote characters, literal newline characters and \uXXXX Unicode code points.

{% assign x = "Hi \uD83D\uDE00!" %}
{{ x }}
Hi 😀!

Unicode identifiers

Identifiers and paths resolving to variables can contain Unicode characters (templates are assumed to be UTF-8 encoded). For example:

{% assign 😀 = 'smiley' %}
{{ 😀 }}

Scientific notation

Integer and float literals can use scientific notation, like 1.2e3 or 1e-2.

Common argument delimiters

Filter and tag named arguments can be separated by a : or =. Previously only : was allowed.

Shorthand array indexes

Optionally allow shorthand dotted notation for array indexes in paths to variables. When the Environment class variable shorthand_indexes is set to True (default is False), {{ }} is equivalent to {{ foo[0].bar }}.

Template inheritance


Template inheritance is now built in. Previously {% extends %} and {% block %} tags were available from a separate package.


macro and call tags are enabled by default.

i18n and l10n


Internationalization and localization tags and filters are now built in and enabled by default. Previously these were in a separate package.

See currency, datetime, money, decimal, unit, gettext, t and translate.

Serializable templates

Instances of Template are now serializable. Use str(template) or pickle.dump(template).

Better exceptions


Error messages have been improved and exceptions inheriting from LiquidError expose line and column numbers, and have detailed_message() and error context() methods.

{% assign foo = (0..3) %}
{% for x foo %}
    {{ x }}
{% endfor %}
error message
liquid2.exceptions.LiquidSyntaxError: expected IN, found WORD
  -> '{% for x foo %}' 2:9
2 | {% for x foo %}
  |          ^^^ expected IN, found WORD

Features that have been removed

  • We no longer offer "lax" or "warn" modes, previously controlled by the tolerance argument to Environment. A dedicated fault tolerant parser suitable for use with code editors is in progress.
  • It's not currently possible to change Liquid markup delimiters ({{, }}, {% and %}).
  • Async filters have not been implemented, but can be if there is a demand.
  • Contextual template analysis has not been implemented, but can be if there is a demand.
  • Template tag analysis (analyzing tokens instead of a syntax tree) has not been implemented, but can be if there is a demand.
  • Liquid Babel used to allow simple, zero-argument filters in the arguments to the translate tag. The translate tag bundled in to Liquid2 does not allow the use of filters here.
  • There's no Django template backend or Flask extension for Python Liquid2. Open an issue if these are things that would be useful to you.
  • The Liquid JSONPath project has not yet been ported to Python Liquid2. Open an issue if you'd like to see JSONPath syntax added to Liquid2.

API changes

These are the most notable changes. Please open an issue or start a discussion if I've missed anything or you need help with migration.

  • Package level Template can no longer be used as a convenience function for creating a template from a string. Use parse(), render() or DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT.from_string() instead.
  • StrictUndefined now plays nicely with the default filter. Previously we had a separate StrictDefaultUndefined class.
  • FileSystemLoader now takes an optional default file extension to use when looking for files that don't already have an extension. Previously there was a separate FileExtensionLoader.
  • AwareBoundTemplate (a template with a built-in template drop) has been removed, but can be added as a feature later if there is a demand.
  • The auto_reload and cache_size arguments to Environment have been removed. Now caching is handle by template loaders, not the environment. For example, pass a CachingFileSystemLoader as the loader argument to Environment instead of a FileSystemLoader.
  • The strict_filters argument to Environment has been removed. Unknown filters now always raise an UnknownFilterError.
  • TemplateNotFound has been renamed to TemplateNotFoundError.
  • Context has been renamed to RenderContext and now takes a mandatory template argument instead of env. All other arguments to RenderContext are now keyword only.
  • FilterValueError and FilterArgumentError have been removed. LiquidValueError and LiquidTypeError should be used instead. In some cases where FilterValueError was deliberately ignored before, LiquidValueError is now raised.
  • The exception NoSuchFilterFunc, raised when rendering a template that uses a filter that is not defined in Environment.filters, has been renamed to UnknownFilterError.
  • The @liquid_filter decorator has been removed. Now filter implementations are expected to raise a LiquidTypeError in the event of an argument with an unacceptable type.
  • Environment.tags is now a mapping of tag names to Tag instances. It used to be a mapping of names to Tag classes.

Custom tags


The lexer has been completely rewritten and the tokens it produces bear little resemblance to those produced by any of the several parsing functions from Python Liquid. Now we have a single lexer that scans source text content, tags, statements and expressions in a single pass, and a parser that delegates the parsing of those tokens to classes implementing Tag.

These changes were necessary to support "proper" string literals with escaping, Unicode support and interpolation.

As before, Tag instances are responsible for returning Nodes from Tag.parse(). And nodes still have the familiar render_to_output() abstract method.

As a result of these changes, custom tags are now limited to using tokens recognized by the lexer. Previously, custom tags would be passed their expression as a string to be parsed however you see fit, now tags are passed a sequence of tokens.

For now I recommend familiarizing yourself with the different tokens generated by the lexer and have a look at the custom tags docs. Note that the TokenStream interface has changed too.

As always, open an issue or start a discussion if you need any help with migration.

Package dependencies

The following packages are dependencies of Python Liquid2.

  • Markupsafe>=3
  • Babel>=2
  • python-dateutil
  • pytz
  • typing-extensions