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Template parsing and rendering configuration.

An Environment is where you might register custom tags and filters, or store global context variables that should be included with every template.


A template loader from which template source text will be read when calling get_template or when rendering with the built-in {% include %} and {% render %}, among others. If None, the environment will be configured with an empty DictLoader.

TYPE: BaseLoader | None DEFAULT: None


An optional mapping of template variables that will be added to the render context of all templates rendered from the environment.

TYPE: Mapping[str, object] | None DEFAULT: None


If True, automatically escape HTML text upon output, unless the text is explicitly marked as "safe".

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


The Undefined type used to represent template variables that don't exist.

TYPE: Type[Undefined] DEFAULT: Undefined


The automatic whitespace stripping mode to use. This mode can then be overridden by template authors per Liquid tag using whitespace control symbols (-, +, ~).

TYPE: WhitespaceControl DEFAULT: PLUS


If True, class-based filters that define a validate() method will have their arguments validated as each template is parsed.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True

context_depth_limit class-attribute

context_depth_limit: int = 30

Maximum number of times a render context can be extended or wrapped before raising a ContextDepthError.

default_trim instance-attribute

default_trim: WhitespaceControl = (
    PLUS if default_trim == DEFAULT else default_trim

The default whitespace trimming mode.

filters instance-attribute

filters: dict[str, Callable[..., Any]] = {}

The environment's filter register, mapping filter names to callables.

lexer_class class-attribute instance-attribute

lexer_class = Lexer

The lexer class to use when scanning template source text.

local_namespace_limit class-attribute

local_namespace_limit: int | None = None

Maximum number of bytes (according to sys.getsizeof) allowed in a template's local namespace before a LocalNamespaceLimitError is raised. We only count the size of the namespaces values, not the size of keys/names.

loop_iteration_limit class-attribute

loop_iteration_limit: int | None = None

Maximum number of loop iterations allowed before a LoopIterationLimitError is raised.

output_stream_limit class-attribute

output_stream_limit: int | None = None

Maximum number of bytes that can be written to a template's output stream before raising an OutputStreamLimitError.

suppress_blank_control_flow_blocks class-attribute instance-attribute

suppress_blank_control_flow_blocks: bool = True

If True (the default), indicates that blocks rendering to whitespace only will not be output.

tags instance-attribute

tags: dict[str, Tag] = {}

The environment's tag register, mapping tag names to instances of Tag.

template_class class-attribute instance-attribute

template_class = Template

The template class to use after parsing source text.


    source: str,
    name: str = "",
    path: str | Path | None = None,
    globals: Mapping[str, object] | None = None,
    overlay_data: Mapping[str, object] | None = None
) -> Template

Create a template from a string.


    name: str,
    globals: Mapping[str, object] | None = None,
    context: RenderContext | None = None,
    **kwargs: object
) -> Template

Load and parse a template using the configured loader.


The template's name. The loader is responsible for interpreting the name. It could be the name of a file or some other identifier.

TYPE: str


A mapping of render context variables attached to the resulting template.

TYPE: Mapping[str, object] | None DEFAULT: None


An optional render context that can be used to narrow the template source search space.

TYPE: RenderContext | None DEFAULT: None


Arbitrary arguments that can be used to narrow the template source search space.

TYPE: object DEFAULT: {}


If a template with the given name can not be found.

get_template_async async

    name: str,
    globals: Mapping[str, object] | None = None,
    context: RenderContext | None = None,
    **kwargs: object
) -> Template

An async version of get_template().


    globals: Mapping[str, object] | None = None
) -> dict[str, object]

Combine environment globals with template globals.


parse(source: str) -> list[Node]

Compile template source text and return an abstract syntax tree.


setup_tags_and_filters() -> None

Add tags and filters to this environment.

This is called once when initializing an environment. Override this method in your custom environments.


tokenize(source: str) -> list[TokenT]

Scan Liquid template source and return a list of Markup objects.


    text: str,
    left_trim: WhitespaceControl,
    right_trim: WhitespaceControl,
) -> str

Return text after applying whitespace control.