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Filter Functions

A filter function is a named function that can be called as part of a filter selector expression. Here we describe built-in filters. You can define your own function extensions too.


count(obj: object) -> Optional[int]

Return the number of items in obj. If the object does not respond to Python's len() function, None is returned.

$.categories[?count(@.products.*) >= 2]


New in version 0.6.0

isinstance(obj: object, t: str) -> bool

Return True if the type of obj matches t. This function allows t to be one of several aliases for the real Python "type". Some of these aliases follow JavaScript/JSON semantics.

type aliases
UNDEFINED "undefined", "missing"
None "null", "nil", "None", "none"
str "str", "string"
Sequence (array-like) "array", "list", "sequence", "tuple"
Mapping (dict-like) "object", "dict", "mapping"
bool "bool", "boolean"
int "number", "int"
float "number", "float"

For example :

$.categories[?isinstance(@.length, 'number')]

And is() is an alias for isinstance():

$.categories[?is(@.length, 'number')]


length(obj: object) -> Optional[int]

Return the number of items in the input object. If the object does not respond to Python's len() function, None is returned.

$.categories[?length(@) > 1]


match(obj: object, pattern: str) -> bool

Return True if obj is a string and is a full match to the regex pattern.

$..products[?match(@.title, ".+ainers.+")]

If pattern is a string literal, it will be compiled at compile time, and raise a JSONPathTypeError at compile time if it's invalid.

If pattern is a query and the result is not a valid regex, False is returned.

search(obj: object, pattern: str) -> bool

Return True if obj is a string and it contains the regexp pattern.

$..products[?search(@.title, "ainers")]

If pattern is a string literal, it will be compiled at compile time, and raise a JSONPathTypeError at compile time if it's invalid.

If pattern is a query and the result is not a valid regex, False is returned.


New in version 0.6.0

typeof(obj: object) -> str

Return the type of obj as a string. The strings returned from this function use JavaScript/JSON terminology like "string", "array" and "object", much like the result of JavaScript's typeof operator.

$.categories[?typeof(@.length) == 'number']

type() is and alias for typeof().

jsonpath.function_extensions.TypeOf takes a single_number_type argument, which controls the behavior of typeof() when given and int or float. By default, single_number_type is True and "number" is returned. Register a new instance of TypeOf with a JSONPathEnvironment with single_number_type set to False and "int" and "float" will be returned when given integers and floats, respectively.

instance type string
UNDEFINED "undefined"
None "null"
str "string"
Sequence (array-like) "array"
Mapping (dict-like) "object"
bool "boolean"
int "number" or "int" if single_number_type is False
float "number" or "float" if single_number_type is False


value(nodes: object) -> object | undefined

Return the first value from nodes resulting from a JSONPath query, if there is only one node, or undefined otherwise.

$..products[?value(@.price) == 9]